The Nisnoni Dynasty
1918 - 1945 Raja Don Ote Nicolaas Isu Nisnoni, Raja of Kupang. b. 25th May 1880, third son of Don Bastian Isu Nisnoni, 9th Liurai of Sonbai Kecil, by his wife, Donna Johanna Taihutu. He succeeded his elder brother as the 11th Liurai of Sonbai Kecil, 4th April 1911. Installed as Raja of Kupang, June 1918. Abdicated as Raja, in favor of his eldest son, 1945. Also served as the temp. ruler of Fatu Leu 1930-1942. Rcvd: the Great Golden Gold Star for Loyalty and Merit (4.9.1946), and the Lesser Gold Medal for Loyalty and Merit (31.8.1935). m. Donna Esther (b. 5th June 1886; d. 23rd March 1970), née Koroh, daughter of Raja Rasi Koroh [Tobe Mnatu], Usif of Amarasi. He d. 1st September 1952, having had issue, two sons:
1) Raja Don Obe Alfonsus Nisnoni, Raja of Kupang - see below.
2) Don Nepa Wicliff Hans Maurits Nisnoni, Raja of Fatu Leu. b. 8th January 1911, Educ. Europese Lagere Sch., Kupang. He was installed as Raja of Fatu Leu, 1945. m. Donna Leni, née Mesa (b. 22nd July 1916; d. 21st March 1994). He d. 6th June 1983, having had issue, four sons and five daughters:
a) Don Henry Cas Nisnoni. b. 11th October 1945. He d. in a car crash on 18th April 1983.
b) Don Isu Wicliff Nisnoni. b. 17th March 1948.
c) Don Maurits Salmun Mes Nisnoni. b. 13th December 1949. He d. 24th August 1988.
d) Don Ansje Obe Nisnoni. b. 17th June 1956.
a) Donna Yvonne Julla Lenny. b. 11th April 1943. m. Paul Doko, second son of Izaak Hendrikus Doko, a famous Indonesian nationalist on Timor.
b) Donna Elisabeth Ella Therik-Nisnoni. b. 17th July 1944. m. Don Saul Therik (d. 2000), a descendant of the Royal house of Bilba. She had, amongst other issue, a son who married a descendant of the Royal house of Bacan.
c) Donna Astrid Timu. b. 16th January 1947.
d) Donna Otti Lisa. b. 7th October 1952.
e) Donna Muni Leikee. b. 15th April 1954. m. Raja Muda Sjioen (d. January 2006), of the Manek dynasty of OEpao, Rote.
1945 - [1992] Raja Don Obe Alfonsus Nisnoni, Raja of Kupang. b. at Baun, Amarasi, 28th January 1907, eldest son of Raja Don Ote Nicolaas Isu Nisnoni, Raja of Kupang, by his wife, Donna Esther, daughter of Raja Rasi Koroh [Tobe Mnatu], Usif of Amarasi, Educ. Europese Lagere Sch., Openbare; MULO, Weltevreden, Java; and at STOVIA, Makassar. Assist. to the Governing Brd. at Kupang 1930-1931, at SoE 1931-1935, and for Kupang, Fatu Leu & Amfoang 1935-1942. Wakil-Raja of Fatu Leu 1935-1945. Installed as Raja of Kupang, after the abdication of his father, 1945. He was re-elected after a dispute about his selection, by the Helong family, in 1948. Wakil-Kepala Daerah of the Timor Island Fed. (Timor, Rote, Savu and Alor) 1948-1951, Senator East Indonesia Fed. 1949-1950. Deposed when the Indonesian Republic abolished the Timorese kingdoms in 1960.
Head of the Church Community of Camplong, Presdt. Indonesian Canning & Freezing Co., etc. m. 26th June 1935, Donna Adeleida Bertje Amalo-Djawa (b. 28th March 1912; d. 9th January 1991), adopted daughter of Raja Don Semuel Thomas Djawa, Raja of Sawu and DoaE of Seba, and fifth child of Raja Don Johannes Jeremias Amalo, Manek of Termanu, by his wife, Donna Elisabeth, née Manubulu, of Korbafo, in Rote. He d. 14th November 1992, having had issue, four sons and two daughters:
1) Raja Don Leopold Nicolaas Isu Nisnoni, Raja of Kupang - see below.
2) Don George Ferdinand Nisnoni. b. 7th April 1937 (twin with Samuel Thomas).
3) Don Samuel Thomas Nisnoni. b. 7th April 1937 (twin with George Ferdinand). He d. 4th November 1999.
4) Don Franklin Jeremias Nisnoni. b. 6th November 1945. Employed with Timor Provincial Agricultural Service. He d. at a Jakarta hospital, 22nd December 2003 (bur Nisnoni Royal Graveyard, Bakunase).
1) Donna Johanna Esther. b. 27th May 1940.
2) Donna Alfonsina Amalia Nope-Nisnoni. b. 16th November 1949. m. Don Willem Hendrik Nope, of Amanubang.
[1992] Raja Don Leopold Nicolaas Isu Nisnoni, Raja of Kupang. b. 20th March 1936, eldest son of Raja Don Obe Alfonsus Nisnoni, Raja of Kupang, by his wife, Donna Adeleida Bertje Amalo-Djawa, adopted daughter of Raja Don Semuel Thomas Djawa, Raja of Sawu and DoaE of Seba, Educ. HBS, Groningen, Christelijke Lyceum, Bandung, Kupang High Sch., and Accountancy Acad., Kupang (BBA). Entered Dutch Post and served in the Hague. Accountant with Indonesian Canning & Freezing Co. 1958-1961, Chief of Admin. Nusa Tenggara Timur Cattle Cooperative 1961-1962, entered Nusa Tenggara Timur provincial administration 1963, Head of Cattle Husbandry Dept. 1963-1964, Dir. Logistics & Local Transport for Kupang City 1964-1967, Mng-Dir. Kupang Printing Co. 1968-1990. Consultant to Kupang Printing Co., Radar Newspapers, and other companies. He succeeded on the death of his father, as Head of the Royal House of Kupang, 14th November 1992 (officially recognized, January 1993). Vice-Chancellor of the Dewan Usif Timor (Cncl. of Timorese Rajas). Deputy Sec. Indonesia Muda (a charitable institution). m. 1963, Ratu Donna Fredrika Margaretha, née Lino. He has issue and three daughters:
1) 1) Don Alfons Wiegers Napu Nisnoni, Raja Muda. b. at Kupang, 4th April 1963, educ. Economic Univ., Surabaya. Heir Apparent. Employed with UNO in Kupang. m. at Kupang, 18th January 2006, Donna Maria Rade Pono, Ratu Muda (b. at Sumba, 23rd March 1977), the fourth child of Raja Muda Yosua Ludji Pono, of Seba, in Savu, by his wife, Mrs. Octovina D. Pono-Frans, a descendant of DoaE Elias Ludji Radja Pono, Raja of Seba, in Suvu. He has issue, two sons:​
b) Don Pedro Josua Nisnoni. b. at Kupang, 8th June 2007.
a) Don Leopold George Isu Marchiana Nisnoni. b. at Kupang, 8th March 2006.
2) Don Johan Nicolaas Nisnoni. b. and d. 27th May 1970. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
3) Don Carlos Leopold Fredrik Nisnoni. b. at Kupang, 8th July 1971, educ. Gajah Mada Univ., Yoyakarta (M Tech). Architect. m. Donna Imelda Fonyke Nange (b. at Maumere, Sikka, Flores, 23rd March 1974), a direct descendant of the Maneks of Termanu, on Rote. He has issue, one son:
a) Don Mathew Antonio Nicolaas Nisnoni. b. at Kupang, 20th September 2002.
1) Donna Angke Enggelina Connie. b. at Kupang, 14th August 1964. m. Anjar Rachimuljongo [Rahmulyono] (b. 22nd September 1962), from Purbalingga, Java. She has issue, two sons and two daughters:
a) Anthonyo Berthie Rachimuljongo [Anthonei Bertie Rahmulyono]. b. in Java, 22nd September 1993.
b) Adriano Juventus Rachimuljongo [Adriano Juve Rahmulyono]. b. in Java, 10th January 1999.
a) Adeleida Bunga Rachimuljongo [Rahmulyono]. b. in Java, 5th November 2000.
b) Anastasia Gadis Betania Rachimuljongo [Rahmulyono]. b. in Java, 24th July 2002.
2) Donna Esther Carolina. b. at Kupang, 12th August 1966. She had issue, one son by a Suvanese gentleman:
a) Don Devon Alfons Obe Nisnoni. b. 21st May 1992. His grandfather adopted him.
3) Donna Adeleida Johanna Amy. b. at Kupang, 22nd November 1968. m. Immens Morgana Nawa (b. at Cipanas, West Java, 22nd June 1961), son of Nawa, from Savu, by his wife, a princess of the Sjioen dynasty OEpao, on Rote. She has issue, one son and one daughter:
a) Don Glen Fredrik Wilson Nawa. b. at Kupang, 12th May 2003.
b)Donna Helenstynsa [Tasya] Nawa. b. at Kupang, 3rd August 2001.
Copyright© Christopher Buyers

Nicholas from the House of Kupang
Alphonso from the House of Kupang